It may happen sometimes that you have to email an important status report to the same people each day. It becomes quite inconvenient and needlessly time consuming to create a new e-mail from scratch every time. This is where an amazing feature of Windows Vista becomes handy.
In Windows Vista OS, it is possible to create an e-mail shortcut, which when double-clicked, immediately starts your mail client and generates a new message ready at your disposal. All you need to do is fill in the details and send to the concerned contact. This Windows Vista help article will guide you through the entire process.
Instructions to create the e-mail shortcut
When you click on the shortcut icon, your default e-mail editor kicks in. Your default email program may be Outlook and the email editor Word 2007. It creates a new e-mail message in your default e-mail client addressing to the person whose information you have entered while creating the shortcut link.
Apart from individual e-mail addresses, you can also create mailto: shortcut that allows you to sends a message to all contacts in the Outlook distribution list. The only difference here is that instead of entering a single e-mail address, you will have to type the name of the group you have created in Outlook.
So that winds up how to ease up daily messaging tasks on your Vista computer. For any further help with the above procedure, feel free to contact Windows Vista help personnel.
In Windows Vista OS, it is possible to create an e-mail shortcut, which when double-clicked, immediately starts your mail client and generates a new message ready at your disposal. All you need to do is fill in the details and send to the concerned contact. This Windows Vista help article will guide you through the entire process.
Instructions to create the e-mail shortcut
- Right click on any blank area on your desktop, and select New from the context menu. Click on Shortcut to open Create Shortcut wizard on your computer.
- Thereafter, in the blank box labeled Type the Location of the Item, enter mailto. Then add the email recipient’s address. For instance, you can type
- Then, type in the subject of the e-mail by typing ‘?subject=’ and then add a one-word subject. Remember, it is best to use just one word for the subject as things become easy when it comes to getting around a bug.
- After that, click on the Next button and type a name for the shortcut. It is best that you choose a relevant name. For instance, if it is a sales report, you can use Sales Report Message.
- Finally, click on the Finish button to complete the process. The shortcut icon will appear on your computer desktop immediately.
When you click on the shortcut icon, your default e-mail editor kicks in. Your default email program may be Outlook and the email editor Word 2007. It creates a new e-mail message in your default e-mail client addressing to the person whose information you have entered while creating the shortcut link.
Apart from individual e-mail addresses, you can also create mailto: shortcut that allows you to sends a message to all contacts in the Outlook distribution list. The only difference here is that instead of entering a single e-mail address, you will have to type the name of the group you have created in Outlook.
So that winds up how to ease up daily messaging tasks on your Vista computer. For any further help with the above procedure, feel free to contact Windows Vista help personnel.
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