Monday, February 10, 2014

Microsoft To Support 3D Printing In Windows 8.1

Even if you were not that tech-savvy, you would know what 3D printing is all about. However, you would never expect it be available in your home computer as you know that it is an extremely expensive business. But, a recent press release from Microsoft indicates that 3D printing is going to be as common as 2D printing. So, the day is not that far when you would be able to create your own gifts for your kids using your 3D printer.

About 3D printing in Windows 8.1

According to the Microsoft support website, the 3D printing facility will be supported in Windows 8.1 operating system with the help of MakerBot, a company, which has long been working at simplifying the complicated processes involved in 3D printing. As part of Microsoft’s effort to popularize 3D printing, it would integrate the 3D printing technology with Windows 8.1, the latest Microsoft operating system.

The processes involved in 3D printing

Experts say that the processes involved in 3D printing are rather complicated. One needs to deal with a series of file formats to come up with the right 3D outcome. Whatever be the accuracy and carefulness one puts in to the printing process, the end result might turn out to be not that satisfying. However, the Microsoft support website says that all these complicated processes involved in it would be simplified with the new 3D printing support in Windows 8.1. When it comes to Windows 8.1, the users need worry about the various file formats and they would able get the best possible results from their 3D printers. It is hoped that more 3D printing apps will be released in future once Windows 8.1 becomes the platform for easy 3D printing functions.

How to print a 3D file in Windows 8.1?

In Windows 8.1, 3D printing is as simple as 2D printing. All that a user needs to do is browse the file that he wants to print, right-click on it and use the 3D printing application. The format type designed to facilitate 3D printing tasks in Windows 8.1 is known as 3MF (3D Manufacturing Format). A 3MF file will consist of all the information that printer would require for printing it.

There is no doubt that 3D printing will be would be one of the most widely used technologies in this decade. Let us also hope that the cost of installing a 3D printer will soon come down to facilitate this.

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